Postcode 2193 – Plastic Bottle Free
Canterbury Girls HS will hold a media event on Friday 7.6.13, in association with World Environment Day and the Sea Life Conservation Foundation.
The Sea Life Conservation Foundation has sponsored Canterbury Girls HS to install a water bottle filling station ($5000). The School’s aim is to eliminate the purchase and use of bottled water on site. The School canteen will cease selling bottled water once the filling station is up and running
The School’s slogan for this campaign is
Aim Higher – Postcode 2193 Plastic Bottle Free,
The School plans to make an installation of used water bottles and make a YouTube movie to promote the campaign to be plastic bottle free. The student leadership groups & P & C fully support this goal
Canterbury Girls HS will invite the other schools in the 2193 postcode area to the launch of the event and encourage them to join in the campaign to reduce the litter caused by plastic bottles.
The Cooks River Valley Association and the Mudcrabs commend Canterbury Girls HS for the action and fully support their campaign to make Postcode 2193 plastic bottle free.