
Useful References for Sydney Basin Flora and Fauna

Missing Jigsaw Pieces – The Bushplants of the Cooks River Valley by Doug Benson, Danie Ondinea and Virginia Bear

Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney by Les Robinson

Native Plants of the Sydney Region by Alen Fairely & Philip Moore

Sydney’s Bushland – More than meets the eye by Jocelyn Howell and Doug Benson

Rare Bushland Plants of Western Sydney by Doug Benson & Lyn McDougall

Birds of Wolli Valley by Neil Rankin


Cooks River – Websites

Here is a brief list of current websites (2023) that promote improvements to the Cooks River and surrounding parklands.
(listed alphabetically)

Botany Bay and Catchment Alliance
Umbrella organisation of 30+ community and environmental groups dedicated to the restoration, protection and sustainable use and enjoyment of Botany Bay and its catchment.

Canterbury Bankstown Climate Action Network
Newer Council wide group of concerned citizens advocating for a range of environmental issues including more tree planting.

Canterbury Racecourse Action Group
Group of local residents working to ensure the 35 hectare Canterbury Racecourse becomes open public green space.

Cooks River Alliance
The Cooks River Alliance is a partnership between councils in the Cooks River Catchment – Bayside, Canterbury-Bankstown, Inner West, Strathfield and Sydney Water. The Alliance uses the combined resources, experience, knowledge and skills within the councils and the community to address the complex environmental problems of the Cooks River.

Cooks River Initiative to Transform the Riverbank
Group of Earlwood residents advocating for river bank naturalisation.

Cooks River Valley Association
Website includes past annual reports capturing detail of bushcare work, events and advocacy for the River. Umbrella organisation for the Mudcrabs Cooks River EcoVolunteers who manage a dozen bushcare sites and working bees along the Cooks River along with regular River clean up events. Also, The Mudlarks birdwatching group with monthly surveys of birds on the Cooks River since 2020, and  The Crab Walkers reducing litter pollution reaching the Cooks River.

Peaceful Bayside
Local group concerned about a range of environmental issues including low levels of tree coverage

River Canoe Club
Very active group promoting greater access to the River through the Cooks River Paddle Trail and a range of environmental improvements including the Litter Prevention Strategy, Mullets Cooks River Clean Up and the Paddle Against Plastic community event day. Also coordinate and provide secretariat support to the Cooks River Community Collective – a regular meeting of local community and environmental groups.

Sydenham Bankstown Alliance
Alliance of community groups fighting over development and privatisation of train services in the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor while advocating for a range of improved services and community infrastructure including open space.

Sydney Water – improving waterway health across Sydney
Sydney wide program to plant naturally vegetated stormwater treatment areas, also known as Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) that also benefit communities by creating enjoyable spaces that improve water quality. Investment approved by IPART (the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal) in the Waterway Health Improvement Program as part of our 2020–24 price review. As part of the price review process, Sydney Water asked customers if they’d be willing to pay more for particular projects. For waterways health, customers said yes. So, from 1 July 2022, all stormwater customers contribute a modest 90 cents a year, included in their stormwater service charge, to fund this program.

Other related websites:

Tempe Birdos
Tempe Birdos volunteers have recorded 110+ bird species since monthly surveying began in September 2011.

Community Organisations

The Greenway
The GreenWay is a “grass-roots” regional vision in the Inner West of Sydney, Australia, to provide a fabulous tree-lined cycling and walking trail and wildlife corridor linking the sub-catchments of the Cooks River & Parramatta River.

Wolli Creek Preservation Society
The Wolli Creek Preservation Society Inc is committed to saving and improving the Wolli Creek Valley for the people of Sydney.The Wolli Creek Valley contains the only bushland of any size left in inner south-west Sydney.

Government Bodies

Cooks River Urban Water Initiative – Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority
The Cooks River Urban Water Initiative aims to improve the Cooks River by partnering with the local community and land managers in stormwater and wetland improvement projects across the catchment.

Cooknet-The Cooks River Portal
Within this portal you will find an extensive range of information on the Cooks River Environment.

Department of Planning and Environment

Streamwatch is a community education and action program that raises awareness of the natural environment through testing water quality in local rivers and streams

Canterbury Council
One of the major Councils along the Cooks River. The site contains a wealth of information.